Pantelis Lamprou

For the last 5 years, together with partners and associates, he runs his own, Business Management Consulting, company supporting Small and Medium Enterprises.
21 years of experience as a director in the Athens Stock Exchange and 8 years as manager in the information & communication technology industry.
He is a member of the BoD of the Hellenic Center of Volunteer Managers – KEMEL, and a founding member and member of the BoD of the club, Artificial Intelligence Catalyst – A.I. Catalyst,
He holds a degree (with distinction) from the Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics of the University of Patras. He is a graduate of the International Executive Program (Fontainebleau & Singapore) of the INSEAD Business School and speaks Greek (native) and English (fluently).
The application of dynamical systems, chaos theory and fractals to economics, financial markets and businesses is the research framework of his doctoral dissertation.
He is married, a daughter and a son are students at the Polytechnic School. He likes tennis and golf.